Claire Hennessy is the author of twelve YA novels, most recently Nothing Tastes As Good (2016) and Like Other Girls (2017), both published by Hot Key Books. She also writes short fiction, most recently ‘Colony’ in Autonomy (ed. Kathy Darcy, 2018). Claire is a book reviewer, specialising in YA fiction (for The Irish Times); a creative writing facilitator (at the Big Smoke Writing Factory in Dublin and also for festivals, libraries and schools around the country); and a literary journal editor (Banshee). She holds masters’ degrees in Popular Literature and Creative Writing, both from Trinity College Dublin, and generally spends her time living in a world of books and stories and words. She may overuse the word ‘shiny’ and it’s only half Firefly’s fault. This Octocon she will be mostly drinking tea and pink wine (not at the same time).
Find Claire at:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/chennessybooks
Website: http://clairehennessy.com/